
Showing posts from January, 2020

Don’t Judge A Book By Its Cover, Love Instead!

Don't Judge A Book By Its Cover, Love Instead!       This world sometimes can be so full of judgment we get judged by just about everything we do, say, wear, etc. More often then not we get judged by our outward appearances. This world can be pretty harsh including Godly people. These days some people feel they can't do anything without being heavily judged for doing so. Even if someone is in sinful habits it's not our place to judge them, we can help them to know that it is wrong in a loving way, but to shame them for it wrong.       People get shamed for being overweight, having glasses, having disabilities, being religious, sinful habits, etc. Why is our world like this? Honestly, I think its because a majority of our world is without God, and those who have God haven't learned how to love as God loves us. Now I'm not saying all Christians are like this of course, but a lot of us can be harsh to other members in church communities. So many people need Jesus a

Depression Is Tough But You Are Tougher

Depression Is Tough But You Are Tougher!            I feel like everyone has a time in their lives where they go through depression off and on. Now I'm not talking about like having sadness, I'm talking about down in the dark places, the sadness that lingers, the time where often God isn't the main focus in your life. I'm not saying that when you're going through depression that you're not in tune with God either. You can be so filled with Jesus and go through periods of depression as well.       Why does depression happen to those who know God is working through them? I think sometimes depression can come from not receiving what you fully expected from God to deliver like an instant gratification kind of mindset. It can come from sinful habits that we may not even know are happening. it can come from past traumatic situations, life changes, hormonal imbalances, genetics, natural chemical imbalances, stress responses, and more. I also think that depressio

Getting Back Up After Being Kicked Down

  Getting Back Up After Being Kicked Down.      Many times in life we get kicked down and end up in darkness. Many times this happens and we don't know why. Anything can knock us down and change our lives completely and other things can just tip you a bit. It's how we chose to get back up and roll with it is the important thing. In life, there are many unexpected turns such as death, surgery, health struggles, emotional struggles, life changes, friendship changes, etc. These things can really throw us off balance and we forget that God is working in our lives.       Getting back up when life is going rough for you is never easy. Getting back up can feel like you're carrying a 500-pound backpack on your shoulders.  So, in that case, you're going to need some help to pick yourself up. what better way than to have God pick you up and show you what he really needs you to feel. You can go to others and they can help you but God is the only one that can drag you out of

It’s Ok Not To Be Ok

It’s Ok Not To Be Ok      This concept sometimes is hard to grasp because in our society we’re expected to void feeling pain. Sometimes we turn to shovel the pain deep down so we can’t feel it and others can’t see it. I feel like this happens so often in our lives where we have people or ourselves void the painful experiences because we don’t want to feel it. This shouldn’t be how it is though. When we feel the pain we shouldn’t feel the need to hide it, feeling pain is natural in life whether it be physical, emotional, spiritual, etc. It is ok to not be doing ok. It's ok to need help to get through the pain, you shouldn't feel ashamed to be overwhelmed by the weight of the world.         Why do we hide feeling upset, mad, scared, overwhelmed, anxious, sad, etc? I think it's because we don't want people to know that we aren't okay, it's as if we're ashamed of it. We want to be ok and I think that's why we're ashamed of it because we know that'

2019 Is Over Already?

2019 Is Over Already?       It's crazy to think about another year has passed on as well as a decade. There are so many things that have happened in this decade of life, More things than I can name off. Over the decade there's been so much spiritual growth as well as other growth. I learned so much throughout the years, but in 2019 I feel like I've had the most spiritual growth as it was a rough year. This past year I met so many new people that have been amazing blessings in my life.      I ended up seeing God in such a beautiful way. He ended up being the beacon of light in the darkest days. I felt that I was already broken and found God but it turns out I needed to have a few more cracks in the shattered glass to experience God so much more. God showed me this year or shall I say really the past 3 months that I'm capable of breaking free from chains that were dragging me. I believe 2020 is my year to break away from trauma and share my story for God's glory