It’s Ok Not To Be Ok

It’s Ok Not To Be Ok

     This concept sometimes is hard to grasp because in our society we’re expected to void feeling pain. Sometimes we turn to shovel the pain deep down so we can’t feel it and others can’t see it. I feel like this happens so often in our lives where we have people or ourselves void the painful experiences because we don’t want to feel it. This shouldn’t be how it is though. When we feel the pain we shouldn’t feel the need to hide it, feeling pain is natural in life whether it be physical, emotional, spiritual, etc. It is ok to not be doing ok. It's ok to need help to get through the pain, you shouldn't feel ashamed to be overwhelmed by the weight of the world. 
       Why do we hide feeling upset, mad, scared, overwhelmed, anxious, sad, etc? I think it's because we don't want people to know that we aren't okay, it's as if we're ashamed of it. We want to be ok and I think that's why we're ashamed of it because we know that's not what God wants for us. God doesn't want pain or sorrow for us, but because of sin/the fall of the world, it happens. God uses it to shape us into stronger, loving, christ-like people.
      Somedays we can feel like we're on a never-ending struggle bus. I feel like sometimes we'll stay here for a while until we see why God's showing us pain. We can't expect to always understand what God is giving us is for his glory and we'll use the pain to show glory to God's grace. I think God gives us pain sometimes to empathize with others, and show them Jesus in a non-Christian world.
      Like I said, pain can come in many ways, for example, spiritual pain. Spiritual pain is kind of hard to describe, but it's like pain that's hidden because we may be attached to sin habits, feeling like our spiritual/prayer needs aren't being met, doubting God, not trusting God, etc. Spiritual pain can cause emotional pain as well because our emotional needs aren't met when our spiritual life isn't going well. Sometimes we don't know that we're in spiritual trouble, and not saying everyone is but it can be hard to know by yourself if you are.
       Another type of pain isn't even attached to what we believe with God, sometimes it just happens, that type of pain is physical pain. Some people deal with chronic pain all over their bodies like me. this pain can be difficult because it's hard to find a way to know why it's happening. I suffer from chronic pain and it's unknown what it is right now. I get nerve pain all over my body and it has been suggested as fibromyalgia, yet not confirmed. I believe this pain is caused by physical abuse from my dad. Do I ever get mad at God because I can't walk well somedays, or am in so much pain other days? the answer is yes and no.
   I thank God for the days I'm able to do things and help others. When you're in pain the most you want to do is help others. somedays you want to ignore your own pain and help others because it brings joy. God is happy that you want to help people but he wants you to help yourself first. We can't love someone else if we're at war with ourselves and God. There's a lot of healing and repentance involved in loving yourself and letting go to let God! let God work on you and show you how amazing you are to him. Just keep praying and searching for God's love through the pain. He only sends you through hardship to cleanse and shape you into christ-like character. Trust the process even though somedays it can feel really tough. God knows and he will guide you through! Don’t hide your pain either, let someone know. You never know who is willing to listen and love you unconditionally!


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