You Can Do Hard Things

You Can Do Hard Things  

    Do you ever feel stuck or like you can't do something because it seems impossible? Yes, I have too, in fact, I'm feeling this way right now. You are not alone in this fight. 

    Trials and storms in our lives are entirely normal. The thing is, these storms can consume us and make us feel trapped under the surface. Trials and tribulations are meant to disrupt our lives, they're meant to break us. I can be honest and say I've had numerous storms I've had to weather that have been incredibly hard for me. 

     How do we get through these storms? How do we calm the voices in our heads? The simple answer would be to go to God with them. I can't say how often this answer can be unhelpful in a storm. It's not that it's wrong to do so and you should absolutely go to God with your struggles. However, when you're in a storm you can often feel like God isn't there. Sometimes we can feel like we're too far gone for His guidance. Sometimes we can not know how to present it to God or talk to Him. You can often think that you can handle the trials alone. The thing is God will let you mess around and try to solve it by yourself, He ultimately knows in the end that you're going to find out you need him.

     Why does God know this? It's because we were designed to need Him. We were designed to not be able to carry our own burdens. We were made in the image of God, to thirst and hunger for Him. So how do we Go to God with our struggles? You can talk to God like a father. There are a few things to know before you talk to God. You have to go into the conversation understanding that God's love is unconditional and his forgiveness is non-negotiable. He will not abandon you no matter what you are facing. He is not a God who leaves when things get tough in fact, He may be the only one who will forever be by your side in hardships. God wants to hear what is going on in your life, He longs to hear what you're doing, and God wants to be involved. We are not meant to weather our storms without God. If you're still finding it hard to speak to God, then let him speak to you. Read his word, there's a lot of good in His word that we need to hear. 

    The main point of this blog is to tell you that you can do hard things, you are stronger than you think.  Your strength comes from God, He picked you up and set you on the rock. He picked you up and placed you on solid ground, all other ground is sinking sand. You can do anything you put your mind to because God gives you the strength to do so. However, sometimes we aren't meant to be strong. Sometimes we have to break because being strong for too long is too much. That's why God gives you strength when you need it most. Although, I want to iterate that breaking down doesn't mean you are weak. Releasing of emotion is never a sign of weakness, it's a sign of trying to be strong for too long. God does not expect you to have it all together, that's His job to piece you back together. The reason you can do hard things is that you have courage from God. 

    God loves you immensely, He would never leave you alone to face a trial. You have to trust that you will get through the hard things in your life. I encourage you to go to God when you are struggling and just trust the process. I promise things will get better in time. There is a purpose for the pain, I believe it is to help draw you and others close to Christ. I don't believe God creates evil or stirs up evil in our lives but uses it for good in the end. The devil is going to tell you every lie in the book but I encourage you to hold steadfast to God's truth for your life. If the words do not lift you up or bring light to you I guarantee they didn't come from God. Allow God to be by your side in trials and tribulations. Allow your heart to be filled with his peace and love. Hold steadfast to his love and trust He knows what's best for you, I know it's hard, just Remember you can do hard things.  



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