Getting Back Up After Being Kicked Down


Getting Back Up After Being Kicked Down.

     Many times in life we get kicked down and end up in darkness. Many times this happens and we don't know why. Anything can knock us down and change our lives completely and other things can just tip you a bit. It's how we chose to get back up and roll with it is the important thing. In life, there are many unexpected turns such as death, surgery, health struggles, emotional struggles, life changes, friendship changes, etc. These things can really throw us off balance and we forget that God is working in our lives. 
     Getting back up when life is going rough for you is never easy. Getting back up can feel like you're carrying a 500-pound backpack on your shoulders.  So, in that case, you're going to need some help to pick yourself up. what better way than to have God pick you up and show you what he really needs you to feel. You can go to others and they can help you but God is the only one that can drag you out of the pit of despair and put you on a better route. Getting back up after the wind knocked your sails is the hardest thing in the world, you're also not expected to be able to not feel pain for a while from what knocked you down. 
       I have many experiences where life has felt like it has been a giant kick in the face. I tell people if God was not a part of my life, I honestly feel like I wouldn't be as strong as I am now. I've been through so much crap it's not even funny but God had something better for me and I feel like that kept me going. four or so years ago I wanted to give up, I wanted to call it quits but God said otherwise. God took me out of the pit of despair and made me whole. Now I'm not saying that with God I don't feel anxiety, depression, Ptsd, etc. I feel so much of it every day but the heart knowledge that God is working in me eases the storms.
     When I was 17 I got diagnosed with Chronic Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, which honestly felt like a relief and a kick to the face at the same time. I honestly had no idea how I was going to get through it and let it not affect me, but the fact is God knew about it and allowed me to work through my trauma. God started allowing me to open up to others about the trauma I had endured and it felt freeing. So instead of a kick to the face, a PTSD diagnosis was a way for me to open up. I'm still working through everything and it's hard as crap to work through past trauma, but once you're on that road God shows you beautiful things in between the crappy things. 
        So how do we not let what kicked us over control every aspect of our being? I wish I had a simple answer but I don't. Many sorrow-filled things can affect us as if we were electrocuted by it and aren't able to stand on our feet again. That's why the most important thing you can do is turn to God and Godly people. Share what knocked you down, what made you feel like you couldn't live any longer. People are willing to love you like God does. People may even have similar experiences and struggles. Even when the words to speak to God become choked and unknown just speak his name and he knows your heart. God's always within reach if you choose to reach towards him. Also never lose hope in anything, keep hoping and keep pressing in. Let GO and let GOD. 
     One of my favorite verses that illustrates how much God can pull you out of a bad situation is Psalm 40:2-3. It was one of my favorite verses in Psalms. God takes us out of the pit of destruction and sets us upon a rock. In my interpretation, God is the rock and God is taking us out of our destruction and setting us upon the ways of the Lord.


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