Depression Is Tough But You Are Tougher

Depression Is Tough But You Are Tougher!

     I feel like everyone has a time in their lives where they go through depression off and on. Now I'm not talking about like having sadness, I'm talking about down in the dark places, the sadness that lingers, the time where often God isn't the main focus in your life. I'm not saying that when you're going through depression that you're not in tune with God either.
You can be so filled with Jesus and go through periods of depression as well.
      Why does depression happen to those who know God is working through them? I think sometimes depression can come from not receiving what you fully expected from God to deliver like an instant gratification kind of mindset. It can come from sinful habits that we may not even know are happening. it can come from past traumatic situations, life changes, hormonal imbalances, genetics, natural chemical imbalances, stress responses, and more. I also think that depression isn't just sadness, I think it can be a lot of emotions that build together as a sense of deep sadness.
    Sometimes depression can feel like walking through a tunnel, it's dark, no lights and at the end is fogged skies. But even though it's dark you can see those little specks of light, even in a fog. The light shines through, you can't have complete and utter darkness because God/Jesus is alive in you still. depression can be endless consistency of emotions and spirals of mood swings that some days you can't get a grip on why you're feeling it. Also, a weird thing about depression is you can be completely laughing and having the time of your life then you come home, and go back into despair. Why do we do this? Honestly, there isn't really a perfect answer to this, but sometimes being alone traps you in your own thoughts and darkness.
      Depression can feel like your get up and go, Got up and left the station without you. At least for me, it causes no motivation to do anything, even to smile takes so much effort. Depression is a huge struggle in my life, it knocked on my door and came in without asking. I believe a lot of my depression is from all the traumatic things that have happened in my lifetime, which I won't elaborate on that right now. A lot of it for a lot of people including me comes from Satan's lies that we believe and keep in. Some depression comes from the shoving emotions down and not wanting to feel them so they seep out as depression. which guilty as charged on that one. Depression for me has been an up and down battle that I haven't seem to have won yet. when depression hits, it's not just a tap on the shoulder, its a kick in the boodwah.
       A big misconception that people can think about depression is that its a defect, sinful, needs to be fixed, a choice, ungodly, broken. While depression can feel like most of these things it isn't. when you're depressed you're not broken, you don't need to be fixed. you don't need to be punished, you don't have a defect. Don't let someone tell you "you can't be depressed today, you're gonna have to turn it off right now."
    Now don't get me wrong you don't want to keep the depression, but you want to go about the right ways of getting through it. The best way is going to God and resting in his peace and holiness, give yourself grace while going through it. Some people can't get it to go away, so they have to go to someone who can break through the imbalance in your brain such as neurofeedback. Depression can be healed because God wants us to fill up with joy he loves to see your smile and pure love-filled hearts. even when we don't see it God is still working and never stops. The best bible books to go through for depression are Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, psalms, etc.
       When you're going through depression don't feel like you're alone because, more often than not even the closest people around you are in the same boat. Like I said a few blogs ago, it's ok not to be ok. Depression doesn't mean you can't feel joy ever, I actually encourage you to find the joy in each day. Find the little things that give you joy and hold on to them because it helps to have hope. keep worshipping and praising Jesus. Don't loose sight of God working in your life. Depression and struggle is temporary but Jesus is eternal. I know that quote is different but I put it more to my blogs words. God isn't just going to leave you in the pit of despair he will clear the fog and show you the path. he still shows you the glare of light in the fog though because he wants you to know he's still on the other side of it all!

Image result for tunnel with light at the end and fog


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