Live In Today, Not Tomorrow Or Yesterday

Live In Today, Not Tomorrow Or Yesterday

        Often times life can leave us longing for the future or trapped in the past. Many circumstances and situations can leave us feeling desperate for change and wanting to know what the future holds. Sometimes we can be in both stuck in the past and longing for something better. It's ok to feel either one or both but not all the time. God oftentimes will ask us to be still before Him, take everything going on out of the equation, and just focus on Him. He wants us to free ourselves from trying to control everything in our lives and just live in the now and not worry about the later. Everything that is happening around us is temporary but God is eternal. 
          How do we focus on living in the moment when the world is going crazy around us? That can be a question that can stump a lot of us. I'd say just focusing on God and how he is still blessing you during the hard times. Which can be hard because some of us don't see the blessings in the wreckage of life. Just know that everything that God is doing is for a purpose that goes greater than what we know. It's ok to question God, it's ok to ask why, and it's ok to even doubt Him. We all do this from time to time but it comes down to allowing yourself to have faith over fear, and trust over doubt. It can be hard to want to live in the moment but if we don't we end up missing what God has for us. We need to let go of expectations of our lives and just allow what God wants for us. Living in the moment can keep us more balanced with God, it also allows us to still be aware of what's going on but trusting God.
          The world is a broken place and it's understandable to want to shut it out and sometimes that's what we need to do to come to God. Sometimes the world can make us feel isolated from God because we question why everything is happening. We just don't understand the evil in the world with a loving God. That's ok we don't have to understand it but we just have to remember that God has already won the battles we face. He's fighting for us with His angel army. He allows evil to happen to shape us and build our strength. He's not blind to it, all this time we're wondering if God is actually seeing all the evil, and he is and he's saddened by it. It makes Him weep for his children. Every time you feel upset or angered by the evil in this world just remember that God feels the same way. Evil happens because of free will, because of sin, God didn't intend for evil but he allows it to bring us closer to Him and separate from the world.
          Living in the moment doesn't have to happen right away, even just picking parts of your day to just be still with God is living in the moment. Also, allowing God to heal the broken pieces of the past helps us to live in the moment better too. Each piece of the past that is healed is one step closing to being intuned with God. Like I've said before easier said than done, and I don't think you fully have to forget about the past and what hurts you, because it's also what shaped to be where you are now. I just think that we shouldn't live in the past, that's why I say we need to come to God to heal the brokenness because it takes us one step closer to moving forward instead of backward. Also, living in today doesn't mean you have to give up your hopes and dreams for the future. It means that even though you have those dreams that you allow God to give you the life He has planned for you. It also means that you know that not everything will line up with what you want but you still rest in trusting Him and His plan for you.
         Some examples of living in the moment are setting a quiet space and time for God, meditation, watching sunsets, just sitting outside in nature with nothing but you and God, and finding joy in the little things. Living in the moment means loving others in the moment of evil as well. There's even more with living in the moment but just not letting the world impact you so much that you can't see God and His works. Living in the moment is just giving everything to God and just standing in His presence. There's going to be evil in this world, there's going to be struggling, there's going to be death, there's going to be unGodly people, wars, hardships, and natural disasters. Through it, all God is there and he is still good. If he's so powerful why doesn't he stop the evil? Honestly, there isn't a good answer for this but God has a purpose and a reason for it all. We won't know until we get to Heaven and may not even then and that's ok. Just trust Him and His promises.
          A few things to remember is that God is in control even when we think the world is out of control. Living in the moment means giving up expectations and living in the peace of God's plan. Opening up about the past brings a door of opportunity to get closer to God and people. Love others at the moment as well and focus on loving who you are as well. Don't let the world bring you down with it. Pray for those who don't see the works of God in dark times. Be patient with yourself, and don't give up on trying to heal your brokenness. Also, know that you don't have to be "fixed" to live in today. Take a moment just to observe the world around you and deep breathe. Take moments to just rest in stillness with God.

Heaven shining down on earth | Fine art landscape photography, Landscape  photography, Photo restoration


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