Feeling Worn Out

Feeling Worn Out
       Do you ever just have those days where you feel worn out, where you’ve tried to do normal tasks but you just feel like sleeping instead? Days like this can be tough but I think a lot of us are experiencing no energy days, no motivation days. That is where I'm at and that's why these blogs have been so spaced out. I have had zero energy and I think most of it is because days are just getting monotonous. Each day just feels like the last and we're stuck in a drought of excitement. Although running on low energy is normal for me, lately it has felt like all the life has gotten sucked out of me these days.  I know I'm not the only one who's been feeling this way. I think with this virus being drawn out so long a lot of us are just sick of hearing about it. Sick of being in a world where we can't love or serve others the way we want to.
         We also feel like the world needs more God but we have no motivation to speak the Gospel to a broken world. We feel like the more we speak out the more people don't want to hear about God. In some places, it's even gone to the extent of not allowing worship in a church, not allowing bible studies to be held at homes. Speaking Gospel to deaf ears just makes us feel exhausted and like we're beating a dead horse. We get worn out by trying to show the goodness of God that we end up losing sight of Him. Although it is rough we need to keep speaking His name because just in His name alone is power. Our world is trying to delete/cancel Christianity. Which is why we need to continue to fight for what we believe in no matter how worn we feel. Christians are becoming worn out because they see how unGodly the world is. The world needs God which is why we can't just step back when we get tired. Jesus was way beyond worn out when he carried that cross on his back but he kept going and going, he ended up being "defeated" to get back up again and rise and bring salvation.
       No matter how heavily burdened, weary, tired, dead inside, or however many emotions at once we feel we can still get back up and keep going. Our lives are important and we matter. Even if we don't see our purpose and want to give up, please don't, God has a purpose for you! There are times where we just want to sleep and not do anything and we are allowed to. Rest is best for the soul and spirit and somedays we just need it. When you feel like you have nothing left, just rest and let God take over, it's ok to ask God to take over. In fact, we are encouraged to come to God because he knows we can't handle anything without Him. We try to and constantly try to just be independent of God and not follow His guidance, but we just end up falling in spirit and feeling beaten up. Life was not designed to be done alone. That's why God created companionship for us to fellowship with Him and our brothers and sisters in Christ.
       God loves us even when we don't deserve it. His blood cleanses us of the heavy burdens of sin that we have in our flesh. Sometimes when we are tired and weary it could mean we are holding onto a sin that's burdening us. It doesn't always mean we do though, we can just be tired from everything all at once. What I encourage is to ask God to search your heart for anything that goes against His word. God will usually bring it to the surface by either leading you to repent, to a bible verse, to prayer, to someone Godly to talk to. At church one Sunday, it was asked if any of us have those people that we can tell that we have a sin that we need to repent of to without judgment or something along the lines of that. If anyone of us has those accountability partners that help us to know we are sinning but in conviction not condemning. If any of us have those people that is a very special thing to have. Having someone who keeps you reaching for God, and not giving in to temptation is really great to have. Those who don't take credit for leading you back to Truth but give all the glory to God finding you is what we need more of. God places these people to stand in the gap and lead people back to or to Christ. We need more of those who no matter how weary they might be they always trust God and His promises. You can be wearing down and feeling spiritually empty but still, trust in Him. Even in the bible, it goes on and on about how tired these Godly people got but they continued to cry out to God with all they had left. They continued to trust Him and press into what He wanted them to do. I wish I could be like them, so full of joy and sorrow at the same time. The trials and tribulations they faced should have turned them far from God but it didn't, it made them experience joy through the struggles because they knew God was greater. I'm not saying everyone in the bible had this experience but even after some had denied, ignored, strayed from, and didn't believe Christ they still made it back to Him. The Bible tells about a bunch of people who sinned, it's full of sin and redemption. So this is no excuse for us to sit and be burdened of a sin. Bring it to God, He wants to release you from it!
          Just remember it is okay to feel tired and worn out we all do especially in our world right now. It's ok to doubt and question things but bring those questions to God. God doesn't answer every question because I feel like he is a wait and see kind of God. If you feel unmotivated and energy-less just rest and let God take over. Remember that you can do hard things, even if small things can feel like mountains God says you can have little faith and still move mountains. If faith the size of a mustard seed can move mountains, imagine what you can do with full trust in God. Imagine how powerful we can be with God on our sides and us trusting Him fully. Although each day presents new difficulties, we can still find God in every day. One day our tired and weary bones will find rest in Him until then, keep fighting and keep searching for Him. We can find peace from Him and rest in Him. You gotta have patience and believe you can make it through this rough season. In the bible, there is a lot of waiting, but the outcome of waiting surpasses the waiting. Do not succumb to your weaknesses and weariness, pick yourself up, and keep striving to get to where God wants you to be. He will carry us when we are weak just let Him in and let Him give you rest. Always remember he loves you unconditionally! 

Here is a song that goes with this blog called Worn by Tenth Avenue North. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UUEy8nZvpdM

             Image result for Jesus Holds me up. Size: 109 x 106. Source: update.gci.org


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