Stop Being Lukewarm: How To Get Out Of A Spiritual Funk

Stop Being Lukewarm: How To Get Out Of A Spiritual Funk

         Often times Christians can get into a spiritual funk and it can separate them from wanting to spend time with God. We can often get stuck in a time frame where we're lukewarm with God. That's okay if you experience seasons like this, everyone goes through a time where they've drifted. Being lukewarm is not the way to live, it actually keeps you from feeling God more. It can keep you from experiencing all that God has for you because a part of you is still closed to Him. The bible has many verses on how you shouldn't be lukewarm to God. Being lukewarm can affect your emotions and how you handle struggles. Being lukewarm can keep you from sharing with others about Jesus. Sometimes people are lukewarm because they're not ready to allow God to take the reigns. They're not ready to accept what God's truth is for them. They're not ready to be on fire for God because they fear what others will say when they are. They think being lukewarm is safe so they don't have to fully submerge into God's world.  
          How can you know that you've become lukewarm or never really became warm with God? Some examples are when you go to church and keep God on Sundays. When you lose the desire to pray and read the bible. when you say you're a Christian but it doesn't go any further than just believing in God. When you are stuck in a sinful pattern and you're not asking God to help you. When you think you can do it all on your own and put God on the backburner. When you claim you're a Godly person your actions don't follow suit with what Jesus would do. Having faith but not doing anything to live by His promises. Just dipping your toes in but not trusting God will carry you to where you need to be. Being too involved in what the world is doing and not caring about what God is doing. Blaming God for their struggles and resenting Him because they felt afflicted, so they don't want to get close in fear of pain. These are many examples of what being lukewarm is. 
         Some people would say being lukewarm is safe so you don't scare others by being on fire for Jesus, but this is not true. Being on fire for Jesus can lead others into wanting what you have. If you believe everything is true and God is real why would you just sit back on it? Why wouldn't you shout it on the rooftops? If God is so good, why aren't we celebrating it and inviting others in to be loved by Christ? Why are we so scared to share God and His promises? The answer to all these questions are different for each individual, but I think the main reason is out of fear of what the world thinks about God. Which in my opinion is sad because we should feel comfortable being able to tell the world how much God loves them but we fear that we can't. Why is our society working so hard to diminish the belief of God? I think it's because they are fearful of hearing the truth they need to hear. After all, the truth of God convicts them and they don't like that. They don't want to hear that they're doing something wrong and they block out God's redemption. Society doesn't believe in salvation or redemption because they're "too far gone" and God should just give up on them. This reasoning is why we need to get out of a spiritual funk and spread the Truth. 
         Everyone gets into a spiritual funk, everyone loses sight of God. It's okay to be mad, it's okay to not understand what God is doing, it's okay to be sad and overwhelmed. God didn't tell us we had to be 100% with God and at peace with everything. Being a Christian means struggling is a big part of it but we need to understand that struggling helps us know the Goodness of God. We need to pick ourselves up and come back to God no matter how broken we are. The bible has everything we need in it for every feeling or emotion. If we have depression read lamentations, Psalms, Ecclesiastes. If we are overwhelmed by anxiety read Psalms, Proverbs, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Romans. If we are filled with anger read James, Psalms, Proverbs. The bible is a big resource for getting through strong emotions. Anything is possible if we believe that God is there for us. We need to ignite ourselves again in Christ. It's so much more rewarding than being lukewarm and distant from God. It's like chocolate milk we are the milk and the Spirit is the chocolate syrup, If we just dump in chocolate syrup and don't mix it then it's separated and doesn't taste good. If we mix it then it is better and tastes better. When we allow the spirit to mix into us we become rich in Christ. 
         Remember that it is ok to feel distant from God, but you gotta come back to Him. His promises are fulfilling and his love is great. It's ok to mess up, just don't stay stuck in sinful habits because it can push us away from God. Being lukewarm isn't the way to live and we need to be refilled with Christ. A Spiritual funk is something everyone goes through but God gets us through it. Spread the gospel and it's ok if others don't agree don't allow that to stop you from sharing God's love. Love others as God would, loving doesn't mean you have to accept their actions. Speak the truth and don't get caught up into Satan's lies. Take the chance to just let God know that you're thankful for everything even if it's rough at the moment. God loves you unconditionally so allow it to be set into your heart. It is okay to struggle to be close to God. Just don't sit there, slowly allow Him to speak into your life more. Take time to have a quiet time with God, start slow, and then work up to more time. Even five minutes a day is better than leaving a bible to collect dust. His promises are great and His love for you is deep! 

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