God Is Greater Than The Highs And Lows

God Is Greater Than The Highs And Lows

          Times like this can be hard to see how God is effectively using storms to strengthen you. It is hard to see that God is stronger than anything that's going on right now. It's hard to see because right now the world is broken and it's a mess. We don't see His glory and His purpose in all this, and we may not. Just know this that God does have a purpose for this, everything going on is happening for a reason. I mean I don't think God meant for this to happen but he's using it to bring us closer to Him. We have to understand that He is greater than anything that is happening.
        The world may be wanting to rid Christianity but they're fools to think they can rid God from devoted believers. We have to be strong enough to stand up to evil, we can't let the world break us apart from God. We have to break apart the vicious cycles that try to destroy Christianity. God cannot be stopped and He cannot be canceled. Which is why He is greater than all the highs and lows. No matter how high others try to go to destroy His glory He reigns higher. He reigns higher than a world pandemic, He is higher than anything that is destroying our world and our minds. We need to stick together as Christians to pray for the impossible because God is possible. God is using all of this to give us the strength to fight the weapons forged against us.
          We are in the end times and we have to stand strong for God even if it means leaving others behind. If I'm being honest we've been in the end times since The Crucifixion of Jesus. God is hurting and longing for his lost child to find Him. We can't let the devil get to us and stray us from God. Right now is the time to be praying over and over for our world, our loved ones, our enemies, anyone, and everyone. We can't let the sadness and evilness of the world keep us from spreading the gospel. The world needs God more than anything right now but they're trying to get rid of God. They are trying to because God is truth and they don't want His truth. They also think that our God is not present in all of this and is abandoning us in the storm. I mean I can see where they come from but, that's before they met just how merciful and just our God is. God is not leaving us He's always been there. God is using this to show that we need Him.
           I was asked if God flipped a switch and there would be no more evil or anything would I want it? I said no because without the stuff we went through, we wouldn't be the people that God meant us to be. Everything had to happen to build my Christ-like Character. If we had nothing to go through would we need God? Yes and no, when life is good we praise God but when things go bad we need God. If we had nothing wrong we wouldn't need God as intently as we do now. We say this because we believe God is greater than the storms. Going through trials and tribulations brings us closer to God, yes it can bring us farther but it always takes us closer in the end. I guess what I'm saying is if we didn't have evil we wouldn't be broken to be built again. We need to be broken down because it builds us into Christ-likeness.
          We believe that God's love is the greatest thing we can have. If we believe this why don't we reciprocate it to others especially now? I think it can be hard to show love to a broken world. It can be hard to give God's love to those who don't want it or think they don't need it. Which is why we need to give it out more, especially right now in a pandemic. God's love is strong enough to break chains and entrapments on other's hearts. It starts a conversation with someone about Jesus. We need to be opening up to more people and sharing more truth around. We need to be spreading Jesus to the brokenhearted. God is the truth that we all need right now because everything else feels like a lie. Satan is very active right now and he's dancing around those who are struggling to seek God. God is greater than satan so if we keep seeking Him regardless we can block out satan's lies.
             Remember God is always going to be greater than the highs and lows of life. A broken world needs God's revival and God's love. Our world needs God more than ever and Christians need to hold onto Faith during these trials. We are not defenseless because we always have Christ to look to, He's never left us even when it feels like He has. God is stronger and more powerful than anything we could ever face. Have the mindset of it has already been won by Christ. God is not clueless to what is happening in the world. He has a purpose and a plan just embrace what God has for us. Remember it's not easy and it's ok to feel all the emotions, just keep fighting it to get to Jesus. He loves you with everything in Him, God loves us passionately.
         Here is a prayer for our world. Heavenly Father, right now we just ask for your strength in our world right now. We ask for your armor and protection as the world grows cold. Lord, we trust the process no matter how long it might be we trust that your will is done. We pray for hope to look at the beauty of your glory right now, shield us from the lies we may hear. Open our hearts and ears to your promises and your love. Let us not stray from you Lord, the world is evil right now but we need you Lord so we cry out to you. I pray that you hold us when we can't hold ourselves. Lord, we pray for the broken in us to be put together in your ways. We pray that the gospel does not fall on deaf ears. Help us to live for you, not the world. We ask these in your name Jesus. AMEN!

God is Greater Than the Highs and Lows - Immanuel Presbyterian Church


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