You Are Not Defenseless

You Are Not Defenseless

        Somedays we feel as though we have been beaten and defeated by the devil too many times. We feel as though we can't win against him somedays. Satan tells us we are weak and defenseless. We are told we'll never be able to break free from him or his lies. This lie is told so often that we believe it and don't stand up against the enemy. We let this lie destroy our self-esteem. God says we are strong because He lives within us. However, the truth of God is hard to grasp because the devil is whispering on the other side. We want to believe it but the devil shows us our weaknesses and we sit in them. We accept the devil's harassment sometimes without even knowing we have done so. Unknowingly we can accept those lies and believe them, we think that they're God's voice but they aren't. God would never say something that is without love. 
         We are not defenseless and God has demonstrated that He has defeated the enemy, which means He's working with us to defeat him daily. If we have someone with such power as Christ on our side why do we still feel so useless, defenseless, powerless, hopeless, and what else may come? I think it's because we let the devil get inside of our heads and tear us apart from the inside. We don't allow God to be with us, because we don't believe we can do it. God says we can do anything through Him who gives us strength (Philippians 4:13). We have a massive amount of strength given to us to defeat the temptation of the devil. We are not weak, and we don't have to listen to the devil spreading those lies. God has won every battle we have to endure, we need to just trust that He's going to get us through everything. Even with God on our side some of us still feel defenseless. That's ok to feel that way but don't believe it, because you aren't defenseless. In certain situations, you might be but even when we have nothing left, God is still fighting for us. He doesn't expect us to stay strong all the time, you have to let go and let Him somedays and that's ok. It's what we are designed to do, we are designed to need God in every step of the way. 
          The enemy doesn't deserve a say in our lives because he did not create us. He did not take the time to show you how great you are. He only wanted to point out your flaws that God says are beautiful. We can not keep letting the devil have a say in our lives, he doesn't own us, he doesn't deserve our ears to listen to him. The only one who deserves our eyes and ears is Christ. Everything God says is the truth so why do we choose to listen to lies? Lies are there to destroy us, they're meant to show us our broken down selves in deep magnification. However, God is using our brokenness for God, he sees our flaws, our broken pieces but He loves you for you.  
        We have to stand up to the enemy, we have to send him back where he belongs so we can glorify God and not the devil. We have already won the battle against him because God is with us. There is no passage in the bible that says we are defenseless because even when we've given up, God's army is still fighting for you and with you. In dark times, in happy times, in fearful times, in sad times, in any time and day, God is with us and He's getting us through every trial and tribulation. We can't let ourselves be defeated by what's up ahead. Suffering is there and it is brutal and tough but our God is greater and stronger. Even when we can't handle the devil, We don't have to, Pray to God to rid the devil and his lies from your mind. Yes, I get that all of this is easier said than done. If it was easy it would be done and we wouldn't need God. We need God as our anchor to stable us in choppy waters. 
          I know times in my life where I felt defenseless. I always felt I was defenseless against my earthly father's abuse. Depression and PTSD are other examples of feeling defenseless. We have to fight daily to just hear God over life's hurdles. I realized that I may have felt defenseless but God was watching over me. In the darkest times when we feel the weakest God steps in. The bible says to embrace our weakness because then we can give more glory to Him. Exposing our weaknesses allows God to strengthen us in the areas we need him the most. We have power and authenticity in weakness. It is admitting that we can't do this without God, which is correct, we can't do it without God. Admitting to weakness doesn't mean we are taking defeat and claiming defenseless. It means we need more God to complete the trial. Which if I'm being honest we all need as much God as we're willing to let in. 
            Remember that we are not defenseless because we have God's army with us. He is wrapping us in his armor, He is setting us up to win a battle that he knows we can overcome. The Lord does not love us any less when we are unable to resist the devil. God wants us to come to Him in temptation or any words from the devil. The lies the devil tells us are no match for what God has to say about us. We are His creation and He loves us unconditionally. If we find ourselves unable to resist the devil give it to God. Pray continually for the voices of the devil to be silenced and the voice of God to be clear. God takes what the enemy meant for evil and uses it for good! God sets us up to win the battle, with Him anything is possible. God defeats darkness with his light, Satan is darkness, and without God. The more we allow God to build us the stronger we become, and the stronger we get the less defenseless we are. You can win any battle and you can defeat the enemy, you are worth more than he tells you. Your worth is found in God, He tells you that you are stronger than the battles you face. 

light shining in darkness | my soul tells...


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