Fill Me Up, Lord

Fill Me Up, Lord

      There are some days that we feel just empty. I think a lot of us are feeling some sort of emptiness during this quarantine. Sometimes when we get stuck in solitude we lose track of our emotional and spiritual well being. When life slows down we can sometimes seep into no motivation and no energy mindsets that can trap us into not getting stuff done that we need to. I think at times like this we're looking for truth, we acknowledge that God is the truth but we still doubt things. This is why we need to be filled up again with the Lord. We need to just let God pour into our hearts. 
       You may notice that you need a refill if you've become bitter towards everything, lost motivation, seeped into depression, doubting that God is still good, feeling helpless, unworthy, unloved, and more. In personal experience during this quarantine, I've noticed that lack of motivation and procrastination have been big challenges for me. As you know these two things do not go together at all yet they work hand in hand. I'm also stubborn as heck so you can see how all this really goes well together haha. I've realized that I need a refill of Jesus. sometimes you have to push past all of these obstacles and fake it until you make it. You don't have to be all put together for Jesus to take you under His wing. You don't even have to be any sort of put together to come to God and cry out to Him. We are pre-designed to need Him. We are designed to want to be filled by Him. 
       When we get drained by the weight of the world, God calls us to come to Him and be nourished by His blood. By His wounds and transgressions, we are made new. By His grace, we are restored to seek His glory. We are broken somedays and that is okay, but you have to be honest with God about it and come to Him when you are weary. When you are burned out, burdened, overwhelmed, heavy-hearted, worn, discontented, fearful, or just need Jesus, come to Him! Somedays we just need refill after refill of Jesus to feel full of Him. It's okay to need one, we all get to the point of needing to be filled with Christ.
        Sometimes when we get to the point of needing a refill we ask ourselves why we're gone away from him? I think a lot of the time it happens when life is too busy, and our minds aren't focused on God because our mind is too full of everything around it. Or say stuff like stubbornness, unmotivated, depression, anxiety, overwhelming circumstances, and others get in the way of allowing God in. Sometimes it can come from doubting if God is still good in a world that has become so evil. God is still good, He is still working in us and around us! Say you were to ask yourself, If God took away all evil all at once would we receive Him the way we do now? I think if there wasn't anything to go through we wouldn't need God to help us through. We have evil in our lives to differentiate between good and bad. We were given suffering to test our faith and become closer to God because we see how much He's helped us overcome. If suffering didn't exist would we need God in the way we do now? No probably not, God didn't create evil but He uses it to strengthen us and help us receive His glory. He uses evil to show us that we can overcome anything and everything with his power.
       Evil can make us feel depleted, defeated, deflated, desperate, depressed, or de-something. God can make us feel the opposite repaired, restored, refreshed, relaxed, reborn, remade, replenished, re-something. God can do all this because of evil. What the enemy mean for evil, God uses for good. God can drive the darkness out so His light shines bright. He has defeated the darkness, He has risen above the shackles that the enemy put on Him.
     God has overcome the world, so can we with Him! We need to be 100% full of Him to do so. We just have to let Him take the reigns of our hearts and we can do anything. Somethings may impossible but my God is unstoppable. If we expect the impossible to stay impossible then it will never be possible, but if we believe that God will make it possible then nothing is impossible with Him. We have to change our mindsets to believe that we can and we will, or that we have and did. Treat every struggle and battle like it has already been won because it has.
        God has defeated it and it has been overcome. Put your trust in the Lord, that anything that empties you of Him that He has already overflowed your heart with his love. God has heard your cries to Him and He has filled your refill request. Maybe some of you need to be filled for the first time, maybe you've never felt filled of Him. That is okay, you can ask to be filled by Him. You can pray that God sees you and hears your cries, you can pray that he can help you build a relationship. It isn't about religion it is about the relationship with Him. It isn't about being religious it is about being relational. It is about allowing God to be your father. It is about allowing your brothers and sisters in Christ to be your siblings in Eternity. It is about giving up what you believe in about your life and allowing someone who made you, create your story to honor His Glory. God will refill you or fill you just tell Him what's on your heart. Let yourself sink into His peace, and He's got it taken care of! whatever worry or chains He's got them! The Lord says "I have said these things to you, that in Me you may have peace. In this world, you will have tribulation. But take heart; for I have overcome the world."- John 16:33 ESV.

Living water being poured out of vessel. Prophetic art painting ...


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