Conviction Vs. Condemnation

Conviction Vs. Condemnation

           This topic can often be controversial because often times we are called to convict but instead we condemn. Conviction comes out of love from the father, It isn't set around Judgement from the world. However, condemnation comes out of judgment for others by accusing them and bringing shame toward their sin. Conviction is complete love for the person without sending/giving them the message that the father will never forgive them for what they've done. Conviction tells the person that they made a mistake but God still loves them and He's already forgiven them. 
        Oftentimes Christians get a bad reputation for condemning people of their actions. Which is wrong and it's not what God has called us to do. He has called us to love others the way Christ loves you. If you are shaming someone for something you are not showing love. God's plan for us doesn't include us feeling shame, We aren't supposed to live with eternal guilt. God calls us to repent to him when we have been convicted and set our hearts and minds back on Him because He wants to draw His children near, not push them away. I think a lot of times we end up condemning ourselves more than others do. We know we made a mistake and therefore we believe we are a "mistake". When we fail we believe we are a "Failure". It is a false belief, We are so much harder on ourselves than God will ever be. God has seen absolutely everything you have done, and He still is waiting for a warm embrace, He loves you so much. 
        We as Christians, need to get out of this vicious cycle of shame, and guilt. In the bible, God tells us to love your enemies, and bring them closer. Agreeing with and love are two completely different things. It is okay to disagree with someone else but you can't hate them for having a different stance on something. Just think about it, God doesn't agree with everything we do but he loves you enough to tell you what is sinful, we repent and he forgives and forgets. It goes back to forgiveness, If someone has wronged you, you convict them lovingly, and pray for your heart to be open to forgiveness. Forgiveness is the key to let go of anger and bitterness. It opens the door to God's heart, but if we are stuck in bitterness we can't hear God the way we need to.
         Condemning is wrong, yet we still do it so much, but sometimes unknowingly that we are condemning rather than convicting. It's like what God says in James 1:19-20 "Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger. 20. For the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God. With that being said when we are mad at someone's actions be still your mind before confronting, do not speak out of anger or bitterness but out of love and kindness. You will get a better response with that outcome, you are called to lead someone to God not shame them away from Him. Give them the Truth but don't stomp on their feet. Invite them in but don't lecture them out. We are called to help others who are falling grasp onto the love of God. Convicting others isn't always done by us either, We get convicted by the Lord to set our eyes back on Him. God notices when our faith is shaking and we're weary hearted. He notices when we need to be filled back up with Him. He understands that the evilness of the world weighs down on us. He knows those anxious thoughts, He knows depression. He lives in our hearts for a reason to lift us back up and set us on solid ground when we mess up. 
        Making mistakes does not make you a mistake, failing does not make you a failure. We often feel this way when we get condemned for our actions, We feel as though God doesn't love us anymore for messing up. We feel that even though God's love is unconditional we aren't worthy of receiving it. This is what condemnation does. It's there to destroy us into thinking God doesn't forgive us and neither do the people condemning us. This is why we slow our minds to hear God first, then speak second. Do not confront someone in anger, because what you say could detour them from God. What the enemy meant for evil God uses for good. Often times we convict ourselves and realize we were wrong, and repent to God. We are naturally called to seek Him, God made us that way.
         A lot of times the most condemning comes from our own family. Our families don't accept our actions, or we don't do the littlest things right and they're there to point a finger to shame us. Break the cycle, It is not right to condemn your family who you are supposed to love. Yet it doesn't mean we have to love closely, some family members are toxic to us, so we chose to love from a distance and that is okay. You can be upset with someone but pray over them, instead of shaming or showing anger at them. Pray for your enemies, because your enemies are God's children too. This does not mean you have to let someone stay in your life, but don't hold onto bitterness. Ask God to show you how to forgive and set your heart on Him instead of the wrongs of others. We are not here to shame the world into believing everything they do is wrong. Yes, there may be things in the world that are definitely wrong in God's eyes, but let Him handle it. 
        Fear not for God has overcome the world. So ask yourself if you are condemning someone but you didn't mean to. Also, ask if you are knowingly condemning for bad intentions. Give yourself the mindset for convicting with love, don't go quick to anger. Think before you speak, the words that come out of your mouth can hurt someone. Slow yourself down enough to think about how you are going to show God to them. If you can't calm down pray for them and walk away, allow God to do His work in them. If you are angry write it down, and pray the opposite which is love. It's hard to love someone who wronged you, believe me, I get that so well. however, holding onto bitterness hurts you more than the other person. God will take care of them, so let Him. Give it to Him, It is not your burden to carry with you. Lay it at God's feet and leave it, don't pick up the bitterness again. Put it down and pick up love its lighter to carry because it's not a burden, its a reminder, not a restriction. Always remember there is nothing God won't forgive you, and he can't unlove you. So love yourself and expect mistakes, but allow God in!

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