Open Your Heart

Open Your Heart 

         There is so much going on right now and it can be hard to handle or grasp. During times of uncertainty, we are asked to pursue God and open our hearts up to receive him. We're not just asked to open our hearts to God but to others as well. Even with a pandemic or not, we are called to love like Christ loves you, not turn bitter. You have to open your heart to be willing to give others love in times of difficulty. We also have to open up our hearts to receive God's love for us, if we're not receiving his love we will be unable to fully love others. 
        Whenever difficulty strikes we tend to turn our hearts away from God because we can't make sense of it all, and we blame God for the storms. It's okay to be upset, fearful, confused, uneasy, sad, or any emotion you feel. It's okay to feel all these emotions at once even, but we still have to trust God and open up to him. Speak to the Father in all honesty and ask him to point you to scripture. I don't believe that God purposely puts your life in turmoil. I believe that tragedies and hardships are going to happen because free will and Satan exist but, God uses what Satan meant for evil for good. If trials and tribulations didn't happen then we wouldn't be able to be cleansed and seek God more. Difficulty allows us to come to the father on a much deeper level. 
         Also, opening our hearts up to Christ allows us to replace sin and flesh with the Holy Spirit. We have to be willing to let God in even when we're doubting of him. Opening our hearts to allow us to receive love can be difficult when you don't think you deserve it. When we feel the truth of God's love surrounding us it can change a lot of things in ourselves. When we receive that we are enough we start believing it. When our perspectives on ourselves change than the perspective of everyday life changes. We become able to love others even if they are undeserving of it. This comes in handy more now than it was before because people are in panic and searching for the truth. If we come up to them and show them love and tell them about God's truth it opens a door of hope for them. 
          The church may be closed building wise, and doors are closing to other places. We may think that we need those places, but in reality, we don't. We are the church, we are Christ's disciples. We are able to spread the gospel and worship without a building, in bible times they held church in their homes. We are the community of people that the world needs because we are showing in a broken world that Christ is still alive in us. We are not enclosed in a building, We call the church God's living room for a reason. We are to rejoice his name in our homes, in our daily lives, we don't need the building to call Jesus into our lives. Someday when we are able to be in fellowship in our church, our worship is going to set fires in our hearts. Our hearts are going to be fuller and we'll embrace in fellowship again. Oh man, what a day that will be! 
           God is using all of this to open us up and see inside our hearts. God wants us to feel his love and spread it further than this virus. His love is the virus you want to catch, its contagious and we thirst for his love. His love lights our hearts with fire. We open our hearts to get filled by him. When we are filled by him others will want that too. God needs us and he wants to use us, will you allow him into your heart and let him use you? I'm talking about full commitment to God, it's a relationship, not religion. 
            The bible talks about the Lord being our shepherd and that when we allow him to be the Lord of our lives we lack nothing. He leads us by still waters and walks us in the path of righteousness. His ways don't lead us through an easy life but a more God-centered one. We live in a broken world but When we live in the mindset that Christ is with us we see the world as something that God can handle and overcome. God never wanted it like this but since sin happened that's how it had to be. Don't feel discouraged though because when the end comes, Christ will regain the world and make it beautiful! The God of angel armies is fighting for you in every difficulty. 
            Keep praying over yourself to receive the love of God. He wants you to feel it and bless others with it. Press into different parts of the bible that talk about opening your heart and feeling God's presence. I recommend the psalms it really showed me that I was enough and I was going to be okay in the battles. Keep asking God what in your heart do you need to let go of to let him in. Pray for heart bondage and healing. Show others that you love them and that you're there for them in this struggle. God wants us to serve as he and his faithful servant do. Remember that nothing is too hard for God to handle so allow yourself to express how you feel to him! 

Here are two songs that fit with this blog and I really thought you should here. 
One is called Love Has Won by Citizen Way
The other is called Look up Child by Lauren Daigle
The 12 Promises of the Sacred Heart of Jesus | GetFed | GetFed


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