Seeking God When Your Heart Is Troubled and Mind Is Distracted

Seeking God When Your Heart is Troubled and Mind is Distracted

      Often times when things are going on in our lives and we're stressed God can sometimes be the last thought in our brains. Sometimes we even forget to acknowledge God's work in our lives. Our minds can think up to 50,000-80,000 thoughts in a single day, that's insane, but more often than not most of those thoughts don't have God in them. Distraction is one of the hardest things to combat. We often tend to set our minds on other things even while praying to God. We started praying then all of sudden we're thinking about food or whatever and we're stuck with forgetting the prayer altogether.
        Why do we get so distracted? There's no right or wrong answer to this but I think it's because we're not taking control of our thoughts. We let anxiety in and let it control our thoughts. We have to capture our thoughts and set them on God. We have the complete ability to capture our own thoughts and seize them in their place. It just takes correcting and redirecting, kind of how you would do to a child with bad behavior. A lot of times Satan can get in our heads and cause destruction, but God wants to take us out of the pits of destruction and set us on higher ground. Distraction from God is what Satan wants, but when we recognize it we can set our minds on God. When our minds are going crazy and we feel like we can't grasp ahold of our anxieties in our mind, that's when we need to redirect ourselves. Break down every anxious thought and find the reasoning behind why you feel anxious about it. When we do this we come to find that our fears that are mountains in our mind are really just pebbles in God's kingdom. When we break down the realization that our anxieties are nothing but unnecessary fear we are able to set our minds on God's foundation.
         Now let's talk about having a troubled heart because these two topics go hand in hand. When our hearts are troubled we're most distracted and face away from the truth we need. Our hearts form a wall in our minds when God has allowed hardship to come into our lives. The wall can block out thoughts of God and fill them with Satan's thoughts. A troubled heart can lead to us filling the God-shaped hole with everything that isn't God but never satisfied with the outcome. We turn away from God and distract from hearing the truth that God sets upon us. We cling onto the pain and hide from God with it because the truth doesn't lie to comfort us.
        We need to combat the need for comfort because God doesn't give comfort, he gives peace. Peace and comfort are two different things. Comfort is a sense of contentment that we feel when we confine ourselves into our comfort zones, it never wants change outside of it. However, Peace is the sense of Resting in God's plan for you even if it goes out of your comfort. Peace is being okay with what God is doing and trusting that he's got this no matter how hard it is. Not saying God is harsh in not giving us comfort but saying that God is just by not giving us comfort, God wants so much more for our lives than what we allow him to. God wants us to step out of our comfort zones to build new trust and faith in him.
           I admit in a lot of my daily life I get distracted so easily but I'm learning to combat it. I'm learning that God doesn't give us a spirit of fear. I learned that even with all the trauma I have faced that God never stopped seeking me. God has a purpose for pain, it is meant to cleanse us. We can get distracted and everything but that doesn't change that God is waiting for us. Our hearts can be troubled but still feel God's love and mercy. We need to take off the world and put on the armor of God. Having a troubled heart gives you the spiritual gift of mercy, encouragement, and empathy. When you verbalize God's works and what God gives you in life, the need or want for distraction goes away. 
         Seeking God has it's challenging but ultimately we are designed to hunger for God. This means we are capable of blocking distractions and opening the door to God. Sometimes we just need to deep breathe and regroup ourselves. We need to silence the lies, and the fears and open up the book of Truth. God wants us to be able to hear him because he longs to speak with his children. God wants us to let go and let him in. If you can't pray or just feel too worn, just speak the name of Jesus over everything. There is a power in the name of Jesus if your mind can't shut off just keep speaking Jesus and deep breathe. Keep Saying His name until your heart and mind flow with Peace. His Peace surpasses all understanding, when you have Peace you are able to guard your heart and mind. Also, clear your mind with worshipping Jesus. There's something about worshipping that makes the worldly things fall and God to rise.
        God is our strong tower. He's going to hold onto you no matter what. God wants the best for you even if it's not what you want. It's by God's will not our own, doesn't mean your thoughts and worries go unheard but just know that God knows better. Having a deep understanding that God is greater than anything and everything is how we ground ourselves in his truth. Distractions and troubled hearts don't have to hold us back anymore. We can capture untruth and set it free. The truth is we're going to experience hardship and tragedy. We're going to experience distance from God. It's how we choose to change our lives to live for the purpose of giving glory to God that will make the difference. Distract yourself from Earthly things with God.
        Get out of your head and get into your heart. The heart longs for the spirit and the mind longs for flesh. When we put our minds into our hearts we find God. Just keep searching for God, thank him for the daily blessings he gives you. Correct fear with God's powerfulness. Show Satan that God is in control and God has defeated him. Settle yourselves and calm down. Let yourself let go of the pain that causes you to distract from life. Stop numbing from it and start healing. Healing requires revealing what we distract from. Let the emotion out, let yourself cry out to God like David did in the psalms. God is listening and he is always waiting for you. God loves you more than you could ever know. 

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