Erasing Lies And Growing In God's Truth

Erasing Lies And Growing In God's Truth.

          Many things can set us back from hearing God's truth, such as lies. Lies can derail us from speaking God's love and truth over us. We hear lies and believe them because they sound like the truth. That's satan's way of getting into your head and making them sound convincing. Satan likes to mess with your head but you have the power to speak truth over him. He hates it because it means God is winning. You have the power to shut Satan down and put God in control.   
       To erase the lies we have to understand the difference between truth and lies. The truth would never lead you to hate who God has created. Yes, the truth can be hard to hear sometimes but it is also so freeing. Lies can cause you to speak badly over yourself and not love yourself. We've got to stand up and combat these lies because they can mess with your head. Every lie can be broken down and truth corresponds to it. There is no lie that God hasn't conquered in his word. Nowhere in the bible does it say that you're unloved, unwanted, unworthy, not enough, a failure, a burden, and so on. None of these are true but why do we believe them? I can’t say I fully know the answer to this but I think it's because when we’re not focused on God’s truth we agree with the lies. When we’re broken and going through hardships we tend to think the lowest of ourselves and dive into Satan’s comforting lies. I think lies become comforting because it feels like it describes our circumstances better and its an agreement of what we feel all along. Satan’s just taking your thoughts and making you believe everything bad about yourself. 
       So how do we break down the lies and start enforcing on truth? First, you have to see what lies that you do believe about yourself and write them down. Then, find in the bible the truth that combats those lies. Also, read verses on what God says about you and pray for truth over yourself. Another reason we hang on to certain lies is because of a lack of forgiving ourselves. In our lives, we mess up and step away from God and because of that, we hang onto the guilt of it, which isn’t very healthy. We need to repent of it and forgive ourselves until the anger towards ourselves is replaced with peace and God’s loving-kindness. Sometimes lies come from what others think of us, this can be hard to relinquish ourselves from because we think if someone we cherish says it it must be true. If what someone is telling doesn’t reciprocate the love of God then it shouldn’t be taken into account. Yes, it’s okay to give criticism but if it's not given with God’s love then it isn’t spoken out of truth but rather out of spite. We also have to be careful what we listen to if what we hear doesn’t sit well, pray over it and ask God to capture our thoughts from the untruths. There will be people in our lives who will choose to break us down rather than build us up, these people are wrong for our lives. We need uplifting people who refresh you with God’s truth but still loving and graceful of our mistakes.
        We often think that because we make mistakes that we'll never be enough for God or anyone. If God didn't allow mistakes to happen then we wouldn't learn and grow. Sometimes we feel unloved by the actions of other people and that often can be a hard thing to cope with. Others can do something awful to us and we can be entrapped with the guilt of it being our faults. Sometimes we have done things that we aren't proud of that have hurt us and others. Whatever it may be just know that the things you blame yourself for just let go and give it to God and forgive yourself. If someone wronged you forgive them and release it to God. Yes, this can be the most difficult thing to do because in your mind you think that they don't or you don't deserve forgiveness. However, God says otherwise, if we didn't deserve forgiveness then Jesus wouldn't have been sent to die for our sins. Lack of forgiveness can destroy you and you can become bitter towards others and the situation. God wants us to feel his peace that surrounds us. He wants us to feel his love, his mercy, and His grace, not guilt. God doesn't inflict the guilt into us, we do, and Satan does. Listen to God though because he is truth and the only truth.
         What does God want us to know about his glorious creation, his children? God wants us to know that we are loved unconditionally. worthy, chosen, handcrafted, beautiful, forgiven, and so much more. God chose us to be his children long before the earth was created. He wants us to know that we were created with a purpose. We may often fall short of the glory of God but his grace and forgiveness surpass our mistakes. God is the way, the truth, and the life, step into his ways and you'll find the truth and a new life. It can take time to get through different lies and release them to God. You have to figure it out so that you can love yourself and others. keep pressing into God's word, and praying for the truth over yourself. I'd say pray about it until you believe the truth over the lies. Also, dive into worship, it can be the words to speak when you're too overwhelmed to pray. Worship music just draws us into God's world and we never want to leave the moment. God sees you as so much more than you see yourself. God sees the beauty from the ashes, he sees the mosaic in the brokenness, he sees the light in the darkness. Keep striving for the truth and it will set you free from the shackles and chains. You are not a burden, you are not unloved, you are not incapable, you are not unworthy, you are none of these lies Satan tells you. 
         Heavenly Father, I lift anyone up to you today that is just struggling with believing your truth. I pray for anyone who just feels alone in their battles, that you show yourself to them and hold onto them. I lift up anyone who just wants to know you but can't because the lies tell them they're unworthy of seeking your love. Lord, these are your precious children, I just pray that you nurture them and show them your truth and love. Lord, we pray for breaking of chains and shackles, we pray for the walls to come down. Lord your truth surpasses any lie so just relinquish anything that isn't from you Lord. We ask these things in your name. AMEN!

Image result for Chains and shackles breaking


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