Why Is It So Hard To Be Strong?

Why Is It So Hard To Be Strong?

         Being strong takes a lot of work, it can be mind consuming to put faith over fear and strengthen your mind. Throughout all my life I had the thought process of I need to be strong, no crying, no showing emotion, no being afraid, etc. Most of the time it was manipulation from my father for these thoughts to come into my head. Well, what I learned is faking it until you make it doesn’t give you real strength. Real strength comes from allowing God to use your emotions as a pathway to let go of stress. When you let go of stress your body is able to function better and you become stronger. I also had to learn throughout most of my life that showing emotion is not a sign of weakness its a sign of trying to be strong for way too long.
          God doesn't call us to be strong all the time though, he allows us to be able to break from time to time to show us how strong he is working in us. Being strong can take a lot of trials and breaking points. Some days you'll find that it's really hard to be strong because you've held onto so much. It's ok to let go and release from all of it. It's okay to say "hey God, I really need your strength today because I'm not strong enough to do this." Your strength comes from God, he allows you to break so he can build you up to be a warrior of God. We fall into a pattern of thinking that crying makes you weak, but even Jesus wept. Jesus probably weeps daily over the lost souls who have lost themselves away from God. Being strong sometimes can be the hardest thing to do, but in some moments you need to be strong and other moments it's okay not to be. God loves you no matter what, if you can’t be strong God will love you anyway.
           Many times in our lives we're expected to be strong and not feel the pain that life can cause. That's not how you should live through life. Letting go of emotions is strength. Most of my life I was scared to show "weakness" because I would get beat for crying or making a scene and not just taking the abuse. I was expected to pretend I wasn't being abused by my dad and be strong and tough it out. I feel like I'm not the only one who's endured a parent who was like this. I'm not just talking about spanking I'm talking about full-on abuse like pound the bad behavior out of you kind of parenting. It caused many long term traumatic effects from it. Being able to share it with you guys is lead by the strength that God has given me through the trials.
          Whatever you've gone through in life you're allowed to feel the emotion through it. If someone makes you tough it out or suck it up buttercup don't listen to it. You are allowed to shatter, crumble, shake, break, cry, etc. It's so much healthier than trying to have the strength that you can muster at that moment. Like I usually say God breaks us to build us. He is our rock and our stronghold, he holds us together. Strength also comes from trusting in the Lord that he will provide in difficulty.
          There are days where I just want to crumble, there are days where my soul is heavy. Strength is a battle, but so is life and if you endure the battle of life you have strength. We renew our strength by having faith in God. Putting Faith in God over fear is the best strength. When you chose to trust God over breaking, that's strength. When you get a toxic person out of your life that's strength. When you have an hour-long cry, that is strength. When you grieve a loved one but are still able to carry on that is strength, and so on. 
         The Lord is our strong tower, he is our rock, he is our salvation, he is the whisper of love, he is the calm of the storm, he is our savior. The bible tells us we can do anything by the strength of our Lord, it tells us we can have hope that the Lord is always with us. The bible tells us that we are saved by his grace and loved unconditionally. He tells us that when we restore our faith we soar like eagles and don't grow weary. When we restore our faith the mountains that are unmoveable are moved. When we give God permission to work in our lives we have an empowering amount of strength to make it through the day. 
            Strength is so hard but if it was easy then we wouldn't need God. We will always need God even when we get hiked up on pride we still need him. Let's not think of it as need though let's see it as I get to have God on my side and oh what a blessing that is. When we crumble we can be built back up and be renewed, restored, repaired, repurposed, re- something. Letting God in during the hardest trials of your life gives you the extra strength you need to endure it. Slow your mind down, pray and let God's voice take over. Everything you go through has a reason and give God that Glory because he got you to where you are now. God has won against Satan so it's your turn to rise up and defeat him with the strength that God gave you! Every stronghold will be crumbled and chains will fall to the ground, because of the God of revival! When our walls crumbled and are broken down they are built back up with God to make a much stronger foundation. 

Image result for strength in god


Erin Fostage said…
Such good stuff as usual!!

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