Trusting God knows what’s Best For You, Let Him In!

Trusting God Knows What’s Best For You, Let Him In!

        Trusting God can be one of the easiest and hardest things to do in our lives. Trusting God is like going through a corn maze. You trust that the one guiding you knows how to get you out of the maze but you still chose to pick a different path that gets you lost. God leads you down his path then you see a short cut and get yourself lost again. Then God finds you and puts you on the path and then you get lost again. If you really trust that God knows what he's doing you keep walking in his ways.  
      We often don't trust God because of doubt, lack of faith, hard time trusting anyone, trauma/difficult life experiences, fear, etc. We feel at times that avoiding difficulty is avoiding God. We all know that we open our lives to deeper difficulty without the Lord, yet we still chose to keep God out of it for lack of trust in him. God doesn't lead us through difficult times for joy of doing it, God leads us because he knows we can handle it. God is the only one who can see your future, it's our choice to allow God to guide us. Often times we're scared to let God in because we don't want to hear what he has to say. This is where you've got to put faith over fear and let God in. 
        Trusting God is not a chore, we all are born with the desire and a need for God. God made us and crafted each of us and that's why we thirst for him. Trusting God is allowing you to take his righteous right hand and let him hold you up. Now if we could only imagine having such a fortress of Grace being by our side day by day. The thing is we don't need to imagine it because it's already happening. God is already right beside you through more than you can imagine. He breaks you to build you, crumbles you to strengthen you, wounds you to heal you, forgives you so you can forgive, loves you so you can love, trembles you so you can see the light, etc. God is building you up to be like him, but if we don't let him he's stuck seeing us suffer. 
      Trusting God is another method of letting go of our lives and letting God take over. It's our choice to let God in but just know he's waiting for you. It's so hard to trust God because we know that with that comes difficulty, but the beauty beneath the surface of our fear is so much greater. God's plan is so much greater than anything we could ever plan for our lives. We think up how we want our lives to be and we plan everything and then get disappointed when God isn't following our plan. We set our own selves up to be disappointed because we don't trust God's plan is better than ours. You have to take the steps of letting go of guarding your life against difficulty. God only gives you what he knows you can handle and overcome. God uses it to strengthen and cleanse us of our flesh. 
        Trusting God is not easy by any means. Sometimes we're wounded by others that we close our hearts to trusting anyone and anything. Believe me, I've been there and sometimes still am there. It can be hard to trust in general when someone has hurt you. The difference between someone hurting you and God leading you through difficulty is that God does it out of passionate love for us. So is the underlying theme lack of trust or accepting God's love? I think it's both, with lack of trust we can't accept God's lovingkindness. 
        With trusting God you have to be all in and willing to allow what God wants for your life. What God wants for your life is so much greater and more fulfilling than what you want. When we don't allow God to work we will always be filling the God-shaped hole in our hearts with everything but God. When we allow God in the puzzle piece snaps into place and there are no cracks for worldly things. Trusting God allows us to trust others as well, God lets you get hurt by others because he knows those people aren't meant to be in your story. God's taking a pen and writing the story of our lives when we take the pen God closes the book because he doesn't want us to write our own story. When we allow God to take over God writes pages, upon pages of our lives filled with his will. 
           We need to let God in. Let ourselves press into God. He has so much for us that we can't even imagine. God has so many names such as our rock, our refuge, our savior, our messiah, our redeemer, our father, our fortress of strength, alpha and omega, grace, etc. It's so beautiful to see what someone with all these glorifying names could do for our lives. Keep seeking God, keep pressing into him. He's always going to wait for his children to accept his kingdom. He's knocking on your heart will you open the door and let him in? God's not going to let you down, even in the difficulty God still twinkles his light. That light is called love, and hope!

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