Letting Go And Letting God

Letting Go And Letting God

     So many times we hold onto things that keep us from trusting God and letting God move in our lives. We feel a sense of security when things are familiar and we hold on tight to being secure. We feel like if we have control over the situation it will turn out the way we want it to. God wants us to step out from those secure feeling places and walk into his ways! We have to fight the feeling of being secure because although it may feel safe it's not what God wants for us. Why do we hold back from taking God’s outstretched hand and walking with him? Many things can get in the way such as unwillingness to hear what God wants for you, doubting, fear of the unknown, lack of forgiveness, believing lies from satan, stubbornness,  etc. Any of these can hold you back from hearing and receiving God.
      Why do we hold onto these things? I think sometimes we do this unconsciously, or in a non-purposeful way. Like for example fear, somedays fear comes out of nowhere and can stop us dead in our tracks. We unknowingly hear lies and we believe them to be true because Satan makes convincing arguments. Sometimes we're stuck in unforgiveness because we don't know the correct steps to fully give it to God and forgive the person, or we can't bring ourselves to forgive such terrible actions. Some things aren't unconscious decisions such as stubbornness, unwillingness to hear what God has for you, etc.
     How do we break these barriers to allow God to work through us? There isn't a perfect solution but you can ask God to show you how to break them. It also helps to confide in someone with your faith or a leader in your church community. Most of the time they can give you steps on breaking the barriers and allowing God in. Other times it's making sure you know the walls that you put up and breaking down why you're putting them up. Sometimes we hang onto things from our past that block out the voice of God, because God is a whisper in our hearts that our minds can't hear over the loudness of our thoughts.
      So how do we let go and Let God? Most of the time it's just allowing yourself to take your hands off of your life and give God control. Yes, this is easier said than done, talking from experience of my own. I was constantly allowing fear to enter in and stop me from letting God take over. That battle is far from over I still continue to hear fear talk rather than let myself listen to God. The only thing that changed was allowing God to talk over the fear, God sounded way more rational than what fear had to say. Other things I struggle with still are stubbornness, pride, unforgiveness of my dad and brother, believing Satans lies, etc. These are barriers that I'm learning to break down to allow God in. These blogs have been the windows to realize what cracks in my mosaic that still needs to be filled in with God.
     Letting go and letting God is not a concept that is easy for most Christians and non-Christians. Unbelievers still have a feeling to grasp onto free will because they want their own dreams and paths. Believers trust that God knows better than they do but they still act upon the flesh and do what they want to do. Now I'm not saying everyone struggles with this but a lot struggle with allowing God to take over because they are scared to, they want to know what's going to happen. I feel like we also have the struggle of instant gratification which stops us from waiting for something better.
      Our world is so wrapped in the concept of it's my life let me run it how I want. Sometimes we even don't allow our parents to speak into our lives because we want to do what we want. We need wisdom which is seeing the world through God's perspective and not your own. In my opinion, I think that God allows the natural consequences of not trusting him to happen. Not saying like all these bad things can happen but when our ways don't match up to God's plan things can happen that can shake us, or shape us depending on how you look at it.
       Things to remember are that God knows what his plans are for you, he only wants to shape us into Christ-like human beings. God understands when we fall, mess up, doubt, fear, etc. God loves us no matter what and he forgives everything you can do. God wants you to let go of things that are causing you harm. The bible is packed with God's forgiveness and his plans for you. You can get through anything that is blocking you from God. God is waiting on the other side ready to take your hand and walk with you.
      Here's a song that goes along with my blog called Control by Tenth Avenue North.

Image result for god's hand reaching down


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