Learning How To Love/Forgive Yourself.

Learning How To Love/Forgive Yourself.

      Loving others can feel a whole lot easier than loving yourself. When loving others we learn usually to look past their flaws and love them how God does. Why is it so hard for us to do the same? I think a lot of times when we look at ourselves we just can't see what God sees in us. We pick everything apart until there's no space left to pick. I think we just can't get a grasp on gracing ourselves with God's grace. Every mistake we make we allow shame to creep in and sit on top of grace. Why do we do this? I think a lot of times we do this because of the lack of forgiveness for ourselves. Often times believing that God has forgiven you isn't enough, so we dwell in unforgiveness of ourselves.
      Forgiving yourself for sin habits is just as important as forgiving others for wrongdoings. We ask ourselves often how can God forgive me, I messed up too bad? We get trapped in the lies and so we aren't able to have the courage and face God so we hide from him. We have the head knowledge that Jesus died to forgive all our sins so we wouldn't have to but the heart knowledge hasn't accepted that for ourselves. We still think that we need to shame ourselves for our actions.
     We need to be more Christ-like in the fact that we just need to be so abounding of grace and forgiveness that we overflow with it. Forgiveness is freedom, "rise your shackles are no more for he alone is strong enough to save." Those song lyrics are a picture of freedom just by Christ alone. So why are we sticking with being chained to our unforgiveness? It's not doing us any good. All it does is just tear us up inside.
      Forgiveness is hard though, what if I can't get there? Well If it's in God's will there is always a way to get there. Sometimes you have to pray over and over not for God to hear you, but for yourself to get it instilled. Keep pressing into God and keep allowing yourself to give up what you want. You can't pray for forgiveness if you don't mean it though. You have to have a heart that is ready to forgive but needs God's help.
      Stop dwelling on your mistakes, if we keep thinking "Oh what am I gonna mess up today?" we only make it harder for us to allow mistakes to happen. We've got to allow mistakes, we've got to allow failure, We have to allow for us to fall short of the glory of God. You know why? We're not perfect, yet God sees our imperfections flawlessly. We are perfectly imperfect beings. That's where loving yourself comes in.
      You can't love yourself if you are picking out your imperfections. You gotta let go of the fact of wanting to be perfect and grasp onto the concept of God loves every piece of you and he makes no mistake. We gotta learn grace and give it to ourselves. Now I'm not saying any of this is easy it takes time. Keep praying and keep pressing into God and ask him what he thinks of you. Read bible verses on how God sees you. Start writing down I am statements, I am a child of God, I am loved, etc. Also, don't listen to the negative lies of Satan, he wants to win the battle and tell you all the bad things. So what I do is write down a lie that I believe and contract that with what God says. You'll be able to decipher the truth in satan's lies. Don't give up on yourself and allow God prompted changes if need and God prompted love to yourself.
       When we learn how to love ourselves as God loves us we are then able to love others as God loves them! We all have things we don’t like about ourselves from time to time. Holding onto those things lowers our self esteem. Sometimes you can also allow yourself to change things as well, but only change those things if it would bring you more to God. Such as attitude, perspective, things that hold you back from God, etc. If there’s something you’re not liking about yourself that is changeable ask God how you can change it. Don’t change yourself because someone ridiculed you to do so though, only change for yourself and if prompted by God. If someone forces you to change to meet their standards, don’t do it! 

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