
Showing posts from February, 2020

Trusting God knows what’s Best For You, Let Him In!

Trusting God Knows What’s Best For You, Let Him In!         Trusting God can be one of the easiest and hardest things to do in our lives. Trusting God is like going through a corn maze. You trust that the one guiding you knows how to get you out of the maze but you still chose to pick a different path that gets you lost. God leads you down his path then you see a short cut and get yourself lost again. Then God finds you and puts you on the path and then you get lost again. If you really trust that God knows what he's doing you keep walking in his ways.         We often don't trust God because of doubt, lack of faith, hard time trusting anyone, trauma/difficult life experiences, fear, etc. We feel at times that avoiding difficulty is avoiding God. We all know that we open our lives to deeper difficulty without the Lord, yet we still chose to keep God out of it for lack of trust in him. God doesn't lead us through difficult times for joy of doing it, God leads us because

Why Is It So Hard To Be Strong?

Why Is It So Hard To Be Strong?          Being strong takes a lot of work, it can be mind consuming to put faith over fear and strengthen your mind. Throughout all my life I had the thought process of I need to be strong, no crying, no showing emotion, no being afraid, etc. Most of the time it was manipulation from my father for these thoughts to come into my head. Well, what I learned is faking it until you make it doesn’t give you real strength. Real strength comes from allowing God to use your emotions as a pathway to let go of stress. When you let go of stress your body is able to function better and you become stronger. I also had to learn throughout most of my life that showing emotion is not a sign of weakness its a sign of trying to be strong for way too long.           God doesn't call us to be strong all the time though, he allows us to be able to break from time to time to show us how strong he is working in us. Being strong can take a lot of trials and breaking poi

Learning How To Love/Forgive Yourself.

Learning How To Love/Forgive Yourself.       Loving others can feel a whole lot easier than loving yourself. When loving others we learn usually to look past their flaws and love them how God does. Why is it so hard for us to do the same? I think a lot of times when we look at ourselves we just can't see what God sees in us. We pick everything apart until there's no space left to pick. I think we just can't get a grasp on gracing ourselves with God's grace. Every mistake we make we allow shame to creep in and sit on top of grace. Why do we do this? I think a lot of times we do this because of the lack of forgiveness for ourselves. Often times believing that God has forgiven you isn't enough, so we dwell in unforgiveness of ourselves.       Forgiving yourself for sin habits is just as important as forgiving others for wrongdoings. We ask ourselves often how can God forgive me, I messed up too bad? We get trapped in the lies and so we aren't able to have

Letting Go And Letting God

Letting Go And Letting God      So many times we hold onto things that keep us from trusting God and letting God move in our lives. We feel a sense of security when things are familiar and we hold on tight to being secure. We feel like if we have control over the situation it will turn out the way we want it to. God wants us to step out from those secure feeling places and walk into his ways! We have to fight the feeling of being secure because although it may feel safe it's not what God wants for us. Why do we hold back from taking God’s outstretched hand and walking with him? Many things can get in the way such as unwillingness to hear what God wants for you, doubting, fear of the unknown, lack of forgiveness, believing lies from satan, stubbornness,  etc. Any of these can hold you back from hearing and receiving God.       Why do we hold onto these things? I think sometimes we do this unconsciously, or in a non-purposeful way. Like for example fear, somedays fear comes out o