Dealing With Difficult/Toxic People

Dealing With Difficult/ Toxic People

     Many times in our lives we’ve had to deal with difficulty and difficult people. It can oftentimes feel like we’re stuck in a relationship with someone who is toxic and we don’t know how to get out of the relationship. Sometimes we’re stuck between the decision of you don’t want to hurt any feelings but you’re stuck in suffering in silence. Other times we can be stuck in a relationship because we want to bring God to a Godless person. It can also sometimes be hard to figure out if a relationship is toxic or not. Sometimes it takes someone else to show you how badly you’re being treated. Also, not all toxic relationships are ones that you can get out of such as toxic family members. 
      My experience with difficult people is still an ongoing difficulty, In my case, one of my brothers and my dad are so destructive to my emotional well being. Now you may ask why would God put a difficult person as a family member. My best answer is because it shows us how to love like God does. Don’t get me wrong God understands how difficult someone can be in your life, he understands the feeling of entrapment.  By allowing you to experience hard relationships God is showing you patience. Not saying that we have to keep these people close to us, sometimes we have to learn to love them from afar and forgive their actions. Forgiveness doesn’t mean you trust the person or need them in your life again but it means you’ve let go of your anger towards them and set and them and yourself free. God doesn’t expect us to forgive and repent instantly he knows it takes time, so when it’s time God is there to show you how to forgive. I never fully felt free from what my dad did to me until I chose to learn how to forgive him, it’s still a work in progress but it’s so freeing! I’ve chosen for my earthly father to not be a part of my life because it hindered my emotional state of mind as well as my physical health. Letting him go allowed me to see how our heavenly father was with me and so much what I needed in a father.
      Getting out of tough friendships can be hard as well. Sometimes it takes someone else to help you know what to do in those friendships. In my past, I had a lot of people who would put me down and tell me I wasn't good enough. I would have people who would bully me and laugh it off. I never really found true friends until I entered high school. I had a few great friends before then but I still had toxic relationships that got in between the good ones.
    I wasn't able to fully get the people who needed to get out of my life to go until late 2018 when I became homeless. God was finally able to show me the good friends I was missing out on. He showed me more people who were there for me and actually wanted to be in my life. He showed me that I was worthy of having good Godly people in my life. I started finding people who didn't point out my every imperfection and starting to stop the self-hatred
    God puts difficulty in our lives so that we can grow deeper in his values. there are always going to be those tough people in our lives. God is showing us how to love others regardless doesn't mean you have to agree with them, or their actions, but God loves us regardless so why should we act any different.
     There are some people in our lives that make us want to pull our hair out and scream, that person in my life is my brother. Right now I'm just about done with him but I'm giving it up to God, God keeps me hoping that he's got this. Remember those times where you just get mad and can't stand someone, just know that God knows what's going on and he's with you through it. Just have patience and love them despite their actions. Also, pray for God to work in them. Yes, easier said then done but you can do it, and if not lay it down and let it rest.
     Lord, My prayer today is for anyone who is in a friendship/relationship with someone who is stealing their joy. I pray that you break their chains attached to this person and you love them. I pray that anyone who is stuck in these situations would have the courage to speak up and help themselves. I pray for anyone on the other end of the situation that you provide them with an overwhelming need for you, as well as a desire to repent and reconcile. we ask these things in your name. Amen!

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