How To Start Floating Rather Than Sinking.

      How do we start floating rather than sinking?
Many times in life we go through rough patches and it can feel like we're just drowning in the storms. Even when we have the heart knowledge that God is there with us, our struggles still seem to consume us.
     Why do we still feel consumed by struggles even though we know our God is more powerful than anything? The simple answer is that we doubt. Doubt doesn't necessarily mean that we think God can't get us through the storm. it's a matter of trusting God's timing.
   God's timing is immeasurable, which is why some of us doubt that God is working in our lives. I promise he is working in your life every second of every day. The whole theme of the bible, in my opinion, is waiting on God's timing because he knows when is best for you to receive what you're asking him for.
   So How do we float? When we're drowning we feel like the storms are going over our heads. When we trust in God he lays his hands under us and we float. trusting God is one of the hardest things to do because we have free will and we want to do things our way. When we lay everything at the foot of God peace will overwhelm us. It no longer becomes our burden it becomes God's. That doesn't mean that the pain and the storms go away but it opens up a new understanding that God is not letting you drown in the storms!
    In my personal experience life was rough and full of unknowns. I started feeling like I was caught in a current and couldn't keep my head above water. Once I started reading the bible daily and praying more, God showed me the mini blessings of every day. I can't say I feel God working in me all the time but I know he is and that's enough to keep moving forward. God showed me that things as little as sunsets can be a beaming light in the darkness.
     One reason I got my tattoo with the wave, cross and psalm 23:4 on it was to show that God is greater than the storms in our lives. The cross is in front of the wave because the storms stop at God and can't sweep over him! psalm 23:4, in a nutshell, is about having no fear when we walk through the darkness because God is watching over us!
    Isaiah 43:2 (ESV) says
When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you; when you walk through fire you shall not be burned, and the flame shall not consume you.

Image result for waters and God


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