From Shattered To God's Mosaic

From Shattered To God's Mosaic.

       A few months ago I went to a Women's Gathering event at my church. when I signed up I didn't think much of the event, I just thought it would be a place to meet other women from clearwater. this event was so much more than that. At first, I sat down at a table with familiar faces and we just talked about Jesus, then it turned into finding what my testimony/story was and how God came about in my life. I never really knew what my story was besides a jumbled mess of events that happened in my life. I figured out my story had many themes and parts to it that I hadn't even noticed. I was finally able to share what happened in my life without all the crappy details being highlighted. 
       Towards the middle of the second day, we were told to pick a theme of what we were before Jesus came into our lives and what we were after. I chose Shattered as my before forming a relationship with God/Jesus because there were a lot of broken pieces in my life. Shattered just ties abuse, trauma, abandonment, fear, etc. into one word. I didn't feel like broken was the right word because when something is broken it can usually be put back together in the same way it was. Shattered on the other hand means the old picture cannot be put back together in the same way again. 
        Here's where God's mosaic comes in, God is using my shattered pieces to put me together as his mosaic and his image. His image is so much more valuable and more precious than the image you want to create with your broken pieces. He meticulously crafts everything in you so can be put back together into something so beautiful. 
       God has so much more planned for your life than you could ever imagine. If that's true, why do we go through hardship? God allows suffering so that we can be like him, testing us allows us to be transformed into Christ-like Character, this was said in a sermon a few weeks back! God uses hardship to cleanse us so we can be holy and full of Christ. 
        Each person has a different theme to their life and different stories about how they found God. My story started out as always being a Christian and having the head knowledge of who God/Jesus is. Once you have heart knowledge of God or a personal relationship, it can be really eye-opening for you! 
       I formed a relationship with God when I was 15 after I hit rock bottom and nearly had thoughts of suicide. That was when I had a God stop-moment and turned my life around and started making prayer and reading the bible more of a habit. The thoughts of not wanting to be alive vanished from me and God was working through my mom to get my stubborn being to listen. 
       Once I was 17 all thoughts of self-harm were taken away from me as well because I prayed not to hear those thoughts anymore. God is so much more powerful than the thoughts/lies satan digs into your head. THERE IS REDEMPTION IN HIM. THERE IS POWER IN HIS NAME! 

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