
Showing posts from November, 2019

Does Fear/Anxiety Hold Us Back From Receiving God Wholeheartedly?

Does Fear/Anxiety Hold Us Back From Receiving God Wholeheartedly?  YES, fear holds you back from living your life to the fullest. Everyone has fears and my personal opinion is it's ok to have fear. however, it's not okay to have fear consume your daily life. Fear can drown out the faith you have in God sometimes. Fear can be that little whisper in your head saying "I'm not ready, I'm not safe, God isn't with me, I'm going to get hurt, etc." It can be those little lies that make us step back from doing things that we need to do/want to do. I agree that there are fears that are rational such as anything that can cause immediate danger or death.        Another way to look at fears is anxiety, more people suffer from it than there are that don't. anxiety can shake us and break us down to feel like we're not safe at all. anxiety is a constant paranoia that can happen even when everything is going well. It causes our bodies to shake and tremble

From Shattered To God's Mosaic

From Shattered To God's Mosaic.        A few months ago I went to a Women's Gathering event at my church. when I signed up I didn't think much of the event, I just thought it would be a place to meet other women from clearwater. this event was so much more than that. At first, I sat down at a table with familiar faces and we just talked about Jesus, then it turned into finding what my testimony/story was and how God came about in my life. I never really knew what my story was besides a jumbled mess of events that happened in my life. I figured out my story had many themes and parts to it that I hadn't even noticed. I was finally able to share what happened in my life without all the crappy details being highlighted.         Towards the middle of the second day, we were told to pick a theme of what we were before Jesus came into our lives and what we were after. I chose Shattered as my before forming a relationship with God/Jesus because there were a lot of broken p

How To Start Floating Rather Than Sinking.

        How do we start floating rather than sinking? Many times in life we go through rough patches and it can feel like we're just drowning in the storms. Even when we have the heart knowledge that God is there with us, our struggles still seem to consume us.      Why do we still feel consumed by struggles even though we know our God is more powerful than anything? The simple answer is that we doubt. Doubt doesn't necessarily mean that we think God can't get us through the storm. it's a matter of trusting God's timing.    God's timing is immeasurable, which is why some of us doubt that God is working in our lives. I promise he is working in your life every second of every day. The whole theme of the bible, in my opinion, is waiting on God's timing because he knows when is best for you to receive what you're asking him for.    So How do we float? When we're drowning we feel like the storms are going over our heads. When we trust in God he lays


     JESUS MAKES THE DARKNESS TREMBLE. Do you believe so? I created this blog to show how impactful God/Jesus have been to my life. This is a place for young adults to find encouragement or just relate to some of this. you'll get to see how God has gotten me through abuse, trauma, abandonment, homelessness, etc.       After 19 years of life, I believe God has been the only thing that has kept me going. life is tough and everyone goes through storms but to have such a powerful God that gets you through everything is beyond amazement.       I want this to be a page that highlights how much the light of Jesus shines through the darkness.