Live In Today, Not Tomorrow Or Yesterday
Live In Today, Not Tomorrow Or Yesterday Often times life can leave us longing for the future or trapped in the past. Many circumstances and situations can leave us feeling desperate for change and wanting to know what the future holds. Sometimes we can be in both stuck in the past and longing for something better. It's ok to feel either one or both but not all the time. God oftentimes will ask us to be still before Him, take everything going on out of the equation, and just focus on Him. He wants us to free ourselves from trying to control everything in our lives and just live in the now and not worry about the later. Everything that is happening around us is temporary but God is eternal. How do we focus on living in the moment when the world is going crazy around us? That can be a question that can stump a lot of us. I'd say just focusing on God and how he is still blessing you during the hard times. Which can b...