
Showing posts from July, 2020

Stop Being Lukewarm: How To Get Out Of A Spiritual Funk

Stop Being Lukewarm: How To Get Out Of A Spiritual Funk          Often times Christians can get into a spiritual funk and it can separate them from wanting to spend time with God. We can often get stuck in a time frame where we're lukewarm with God. That's okay if you experience seasons like this, everyone goes through a time where they've drifted. Being lukewarm is not the way to live, it actually keeps you from feeling God more. It can keep you from experiencing all that God has for you because a part of you is still closed to Him. The bible has many verses on how you shouldn't be lukewarm to God. Being lukewarm can affect your emotions and how you handle struggles. Being lukewarm can keep you from sharing with others about Jesus. Sometimes people are lukewarm because they're not ready to allow God to take the reigns. They're not ready to accept what God's truth is for them. They're not ready to be on fire for God because they fear what others will

God Is Greater Than The Highs And Lows

God Is Greater Than The Highs And Lows                   Times like this can be hard to see how God is effectively using storms to strengthen you. It is hard to see that God is stronger than anything that's going on right now. It's hard to see because right now the world is broken and it's a mess. We don't see His glory and His purpose in all this, and we may not. Just know this that God does have a purpose for this, everything going on is happening for a reason. I mean I don't think God meant for this to happen but he's using it to bring us closer to Him. We have to understand that He is greater than anything that is happening.         The world may be wanting to rid Christianity but they're fools to think they can rid God from devoted believers. We have to be strong enough to stand up to evil, we can't let the world break us apart from God. We have to break apart the vicious cycles that try to destroy Christianity. God cannot be stopped and He c