
Showing posts from October, 2022

You Can Do Hard Things

You Can Do Hard Things         Do you ever feel stuck or like you can't do something because it seems impossible? Yes, I have too, in fact, I'm feeling this way right now. You are not alone in this fight.       Trials and storms in our lives are entirely normal. The thing is, these storms can consume us and make us feel trapped under the surface. Trials and tribulations are meant to disrupt our lives, they're meant to break us. I can be honest and say I've had numerous storms I've had to weather that have been incredibly hard for me.        How do we get through these storms? How do we calm the voices in our heads? The simple answer would be to go to God with them. I can't say how often this answer can be unhelpful in a storm. It's not that it's wrong to do so and you should absolutely go to God with your struggles. However, when you're in a storm you can often feel like God isn't there. Sometimes we can feel like we're too far gone for His g